Brief About Best Open Source PaaS Solutions| yourtechdiet

BlogsBizTechBrief About Best Open Source PaaS Solutions| yourtechdiet

PaaS providers, with their ability to host the entire infrastructure and operations, most importantly provide a great deal of ease for developers to build applications.

The worldwide market for PaaS is expected to grow up to $52.4 billion by 2022 at a CAGR of 15.4% from 2018.

That phenomenal expansion is a testament to this cloud computing serviceโ€™s widespread reach.

Insight of the growing popularity of PaaS, we have compiled a list of some of the topmost open source PaaS solutions.

Now a PaaS solution in itself is of great value, but then it with being an open-source one really puts the developer to a whole lot more ease. Ease of customization and abundant support are two of the key advantages herein.

Top 6 Open Source PaaS Solutions You Should Know About

1. OpenShift

RedHatโ€™s OpenShift is one of the most popular open-source PaaS solutions and is based upon the Kubernetes container.

How is it Beneficial for Developers?

With Kubernetes, developers actually needed to fully comprehend it, since it was built for managing IT operations.

But OpenShift does away with this and is in the comfort zone of developers, even those who arenโ€™t quite great at Kubernetes.

Irrespective of whether your infrastructure is based on private, public or hybrid cloud, the developer doesnโ€™t need to code accordingly. Do it on the Kubernetes platform and the rest gets taken care of.

How it Eases Your IT Operations?

You can get rid of all the complexities of handling an application by using OpenShiftโ€™s services. With this at your disposal, you need not worry about the intricate details of managing your application.

Thatโ€™s because, not only will it provide your application with maintenance solutions at the right time, but also frequent upgrades.

Also, you need not make any changes to your existing virtualization application. OpenShift will build a containerized application in accordance, without you breaking a sweat!

What is the Overall Picture for Business Like?

In order to stay ahead of your competition, not only do you need to innovate but also realized that innovation to its full potential and scale it quickly to meet the needs of the customers.

For this to happen, your two key teams; i.e. Operations & Development, not only need to be at their individual best but also work in sync. OpenShift delivers the best environment for both units.

OpenShift provides your business with the ease of working across multiple infrastructures and even manage your scalability as the per the demand in the market.

OpenShift 4.3 is the latest offering from this open-source PaaS solution provider.

Pricing: Youโ€™d need to contact their sales team to know the details for their different plans.

2. Cloud Foundry

Cloud Foundry is another one of the leading open-source PaaS solution providers. So, what all does it have in store for your business:

  • Developers should be really very comfortable in using this solution, as it doesnโ€™t require them to make any amends to their existing code. Their codes can be deployed as it is.
  • Doesnโ€™t really make a difference as to which cloud infrastructure youโ€™re operating upon. Running your app using CF should be seamless on any setup.
  • CF has this entire community, which can, not only help you with your queries in dealing with CF, but it also makes constant implementations in the working of CF for it to operate at its peak.

With a coordinated effort, coming in from multiple components, CF is able to manage incoming load over different virtual machines optimally.

The components are:

  1. BOSH: Deploys virtual machines.
  2. Cloud Controller: Brings a balance to the demand.
  3. Gorouter: Directs the traffic to the virtual machines.

Pricing: Youโ€™d need to contact their sales team to get details for their three membership tiers.

Also Read: Some of the Interesting Statistics about Cloud Computing

3.ย ย  Flynn

Flynn promises to be a one-stop solution for all your needs pertaining to running applications.

Be it deployment of the app, managing operations for the same, or handling a huge chunk of the database. It strives to do all this & more.

What are its Benefits?

  • The development team need not know about configuring their applications in order to run, Flynn will do it for you. You just code and Flynn will do the job of ensuring it functions.
  • It does a nice job of managing traffic for different instances of your applications.
  • Flynn will cut cloud operation-related costs for you as it scales up & down to meet your customer demands to the T.

Pricing: It is completely open-source and permissively licensed.

4.ย ย  tsuru

tsuru also comes with a set of features to unburden you of application deployment. With tsuru, you wonโ€™t need to think of server management at all.

Benefits for your Development Team include:

  • You can code in any language of your preference and it wonโ€™t bother tsuru in any which way in deploying your application.
  • Easy deployment with Git or docker images.

How it Handles Resources?

  • Scaling up works with absolute perfection with this, as proper allocation is done.
  • Even if any resource unit fails, tsuru helps rebalance the load automatically. You wonโ€™t need to worry about that.

Pricing: tsuru is free under the BSD 3-Clause license.

5.ย ย  Apache Stratos

Apache Stratos, another one of the open-source PaaS solutions, provides support across a number of cloud infrastructures.

It can benefit your business in multiple ways:

  • Proper utilization of resources.
  • Managing the monitoring and billing part for your application.
  • Providing adequate scalability measures with load balancing.
  • Can easily migrate from one cloud infrastructure to another, in case demand increases.
  • Stands apart from other PaaS solutions owing to its multi-tenancy capability, with both container and in-container.
  • Using various metrics from load balancers and cartridges, it is able to predict future load.

Pricing: Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

6.ย ย  Kel

Eldarion provides an open-source PaaS solution in Kel. Kel is setup on Kubernetes, written in Python and Go. Kel comprises of following components:

  • kel-api,
  • kel-router,
  • kel-identity,
  • kel end-user client command-line tool,
  • kel cluster-admin command-line tool, and
  • kel cluster management Python library.

Kel helps with the easy management of your application throughout its entire development cycle.

You can find Kel in Github under the name of kelproject. The community always welcomes contribution coming from different ends to optimize itโ€™s working to the fullest.

Pricing: Code for this on the Github, is available under Apache License, version 2.0.

Concluding Words

Well, honestly, all these open-source PaaS solutions speak for itself. It would totally depend upon the need of a business, as to which particular solution it should opt for.

A friendly suggestion from my side would be to go for a solution which is free if youโ€™re just starting out.

But if youโ€™ve fully realized the need for a PaaS solution, then you must go all guns blazing and opt for a solution paying minimum attention to its pricing

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