10 Best Data Privacy Tools in 2024ย ย 

BlogsWebTech10 Best Data Privacy Tools in 2024ย ย 

Data privacy Tools is one of the most talked about subjects in our contemporary digital age. To leverage digitalization, we easily reveal our personal data to third parties ignoring the risks of illegal data breaches and cyber-attacks. Such threats are recurrent occurrences in most of the global organizations.ย  ย 

But how to sustain standard data protection in the technologically advanced era where data exposure is compulsory? Let us discuss a few data privacy tools and methods to restore the confidentiality of user and organizational data in 2024-ย ย 

Why is data privacy important?ย ย 

Data protection or privacy denotes the process of securing data from unlawful access and ensuring the protection of user data is a basic right of every individual. It is important to protect data to restrict probable cyber threats. Reviewing the popularity and advantages of technology, larger audiences employ digital methods to make day-to-day tasks easier. They commonly use various data privacy tools.ย ย 

Digital transformation can be noticed everywhere, from commerce to data management, finance to communication, and healthcare to marketing. Nevertheless, the technological shift also raised certain risks, like illegal privacy infringement by third parties. Data breachers can utilize user information in many ways, harming individuals and enterprises unprecedentedly. Therefore, data privacy is important to protect the digitally available information of people as well as companies.ย ย ย 

Different countries have various regulations to protect user data. Anyone or any organization seeking information regarding the citizens of such nations must comply with these laws to secure user privacy. Moreover, various data privacy tools and applications are available online to safeguard organizational data.ย ย ย 

Top 10 Tools in 2024 ย 

OneTrustย ย 

OneTrust Privacy and Data Governance Cloud automates data protection activities by locating, tracking, and processing organizational data. It allows strong collaboration within an enterprise, securing data privacy.ย ย 

The tool fast-forwards data usage process by extracting information from multiple sources. It further automates Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) and Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA). The application provides a free trial and follows a monthly payment structure of $30.00.ย ย ย 

TrustArcย ย ย ย 

TrustArc, one of the popular data privacy tools, offers end-to-end privacy management features to its users. It ensures compliance with globally available data regulations while providing smart data management procedures. One of TrustArcโ€™s features is consent management while sharing and delivering data. Additionally, it also offers the advantage of reporting cookie notices.ย  The software has a free trial and a customizable payment model based on the chosen services.ย ย ย 

Microsoft Defenderย ย 

Microsoft Defender is an antivirus that can be leveraged to protect personal as well as organizational data. It is an easy-to-use application that simplifies data management activities. The tool also sends regular notifications and alerts that help identify data protection weaknesses easily. It has a pricing model of $2.82 per month/per user and $20.78 per month for organizations.ย ย ย 

BigIDย ย 

BigID follows a data-driven method for data privacy management. Its features include preference and consent-based approach, data rights automation, recording processing activities, and privacy impact assessment. While automating data management endeavors, BigID ensures centralized data rights requests. It further streamlines data processing, simplifying workflows in organizations. The tool has no specific payment structure; it depends on the selected services.ย ย ย 

MineOSย ย 

As one of the popular data privacy tools, MineOS facilitates a user-centric approach. With an interactive interface, it enhances data management and governance experience. Website tracking and monitoring are easier with MineOS. Moreover, it comes with a Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) portal. De-identification or pseudonymization is another characteristic this data management tool comes with. MineOS has a free version as well as a paid structure of $49 per month.ย ย 

Sprintoย ย 

Sprinto is a superior privacy management software that comes with position-based access control restricting every user accessing confidential data in an organization. Its features include workflow management, data governance, compliance monitoring, user analytics, weakness detection, and access control. Sprinto allows its users to utilize a free trial before subscribing to it.ย ย ย 

Collibraย ย 

Collibra is determined to enhance trust within organizations with stringent data privacy management. It is a cloud-based platform that simplifies data delivery, sharing, and monitoring. Data lineage and traceability are comfortable tasks with this tool. Its additional features include data governance management, stewardship management, and data quality management. The software follows a yearly subscription model.ย ย ย 

Osanoย ย 

Osano is one of the data privacy tools that not only assists in managing the privacy programs of organizations but also scales them. It offers a centralized data management feature so that users can comfortably process data, ensuring maximum privacy. Vendor privacy risk management, data mapping, subject rights management, and cookie consent are the features of Osano. It comes with a free version alongside a Plus version worth $199.00 per month and a customizable paying structure.ย ย ย 

DataGrailย ย ย ย 

DataGrail automates data mapping and provides a simplified method to link data. Its features include data subject access requests, identity verification, risk assessments, and privacy impact assessments. There is no specific pricing structure for this software.ย ย ย 

Transcendย ย 

Transcend’s general features are SAR automation, cookie management, and data mapping. This tool is determined to provide advanced data privacy management facilities with standard security measures. Automated data mapping, data subject access requests, and identity verification are some of its characteristics. Transcend has a basic pricing structure with a free trial.ย ย ย 

Summing Up on Data Privacy! ย 

Data is the most valuable asset for any organization and securing it from probable threats is a mandatory task for them. Choose the best data privacy tools that suit your organizational goals and will help you meet your privacy regulations. Privacy tools and privacy management software are crucial for companies of all sizes. Follow our blog section to enhance your understanding of various tools and strategies.ย ย 

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