
Top Linux Server DISTROS

The world’s most well-known Operating System (OS) for internet web servers is Linux. Different Linux distros (distributions) are used not just for the internet web...

7V’s  Big Data

Big Data is not just about data, which is big or has a large volume. Big Data is one such form of data that...

 Best Healthcare Chatbots & Their Benefits

Applications of Smart Dust: Wireless monitoring for security purposes.Maintenance purposes.Identifying weaknesses such as an in-system failure.From diagnosis, and surgery to monitoring devices, smart dust applications...

What is the Role of Blockchain in Business Intelligence?

In today’s modern world, many of us have heard about blockchain and how it benefited other people and start wondering whether it will benefit...

Top Most Popular Authentication Methods

Strong authentication is the process of confirming the user identity to protect the resource from a breach. It can identify users safely and reliably,...

Tips to Secure IoT Devices at Home

Securing IoT devices at home is very important to avoid being attacked by cybercriminals.The Internet of Things (IoT) equates to the billions of physical...

Most common uses of Healthcare Chatbots

Healthcare chatbots can be used to provide the user with health-related information.It can help the user in setting up an appointment with the concerned...

PaaS vs. SaaS

Companies are moving most of their services towards cloud platforms. This trend has taken a positive turn with the global COVID pandemic. As most of...

Best Practices for Building a Web CMS Architecture

Web CMS Architecture started developing in the 2000s and has seen rapid changes with some open-source CMS like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and others. Download now ...

Load Balancer as a Service Explained in Detail

Load balancing is the appropriate distribution of incoming traffic across a bunch of servers. This way it ensures that no one particular server is...


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